Positive Behaviour Support

Our Positive Behaviour Support service is centred around your child and family. Our dedicated psychologists work alongside your child with compassionate support, whether at home, school, kindergarten, or in one of our centres. We focus on enhancing your child’s independence, nurturing their strengths, and providing tailored support to help them overcome any behavioural or emotional challenges they may be facing.

Positive Behaviour Support can with:

  • Understanding and reducing behaviours of concern

  • Functional communication

  • Social relationships

  • Emotional regulation

  • Toileting

  • Sleep

  • Fears/phobias

  • Safety

  • Executive functioning

  • Parent coaching

“Beneath every behaviour, there is a feeling. And beneath every feeling, there is a need. And when we meet that need rather than focus on the behaviour, we begin to deal with the cause, not the symptom.”

— Ashleigh Warner