Aotearoa New Zealand Autism Guideline: Third Edition
The Aotearoa New Zealand Autism Guideline considers autism (takiwātanga) across the whole of a person’s life – from early childhood through to adulthood. This Guideline is proudly led by Whaikaha – Ministry of Disabled People in partnership with the Ministry of Education.
“The Guideline is an evidence-based summary that covers the identification and diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and ongoing assessment and access to supports and services for autistic individuals. It seeks to provide the best evidence currently available to assist informed decision-making to improve the health, educational and social outcomes, and lives of autistic individuals. The Guideline is intended for use by primary care practitioners, education professionals, service providers, policymakers, funders, specialists, carers, and autistic people/tāngata whaitakiwātanga and their families and whānau.”